UNIMY SRC Gives Back to Senior Citizens
UNIMY SRC Equips Seniors with Digital Knowledge

Old age doesn't mean you stop dreaming about the future.

With the rising use of technology in our everyday lives, the last thing we want is for our valued senior citizens to fall behind because they lack the digital knowledge and skills to function in today's digital era. With this in mind, UNIMY SRC collaborated with MIRM to organise "Digital Empowerment for Seniors", an event designed to teach senior citizens how to use the different types of apps, necessary for everyday use.

Conducting the session was UNIMY SRC President, Al Assame Osama, who started- off by introducing the different applications that he would be coaching them on, and the importance of knowing how to use these applications. He then jumped right into the first application, Zoom. Once Osama explained the use of the app, he offered step-by-step instructions on how to create an account, log in to Zoom and start a meeting.
Osama also taught them the basics, like how they can mute, unmute, turn off and turn on their video, rename themselves and enable virtual backgrounds. Many of the seniors mentioned having children in different countries, and that knowing how to use Zoom would be very helpful in keeping contact with their children. The next app, Google Meets, was also briefly explained about, as the fundamentals were about the same as Zoom.

Osama then moved on to teaching the seniors about Grab. He gave them step-by-step brief about booking rides before explaining how the food delivery section worked. He also taught them about Foodpanda, following the same directions as Grab. Last but certainly not least, Osama introduced Medisafe, an app designed to keep track of medicines and pills, and monitor symptoms.
It was a fruitful session in which our senior citizens expressed their appreciation as they learned in detail how to use technologies that have become necessary in the world we live in today.
UNIMY SRC hopes that they can bring this form of digital empowerment and digital literacy to senior citizens, and that they will be equipped with the right knowledge to embrace digitalisation in this era with confidence. Stay tuned for more!

If you are interested in what UNIMY SRC is doing, visit their Instagram below to join some of their activities!